Medlar & Quince

A interesting piece on BBC Countryfile promoting Medlars and the ‘Jelly’, so I guessed now is a good time for a brief pointer towards a few of the different cultivars (of which there are quite a few).

Most Medlars are grafted onto Quince A rootstock ,which produces a tree of 10-12 ft in 10 yrs ( depending on soil type). The habit of a Medlar tree is erratic in branching and fascinating to see as a mature specimen,branches head off in all directions adding to the architectural shape.They do not suffer from diseases and have splendid autumn foliage.

Breda Giant- Larger more spreading habit,good sized fruits

Royal- Some say the fruits of this one can be eaten fresh, be brave !

Nottingham- Smaller tree with a semi weeping habit.

Stoneless- Compact and very prolific.


A graceful tree with attractive long lasting fruits ,aromatic and versatile in the kitchen.The only disease problem may be Quince leaf blight, a fungal infection like black spot, copper or bordeaux spray will control this quite easily but do clear up any dropped leaves.

Aromatnya- Smaller fruits, round very productive from a young age.

Champion- Pear shaped fruit, heavy crops,pink when cooked. Particularly good in the North.

Lescovacz ( Siberian Gold)- Very large fruit,pink when cooked. Prefers a pollinator.

Meeches Prolific- Highly recommended for flavour,pear shaped,early season.

Portugal- Smaller, pear shaped fruit, requires a sheltered spot.

Vranja- Well known as a standard amongst ‘Quinces’

Reas Mammoth- Large velvety leaves with roundish  fruit . A commercial orchard variety from New York.

Isfahan- Ancient and revered , from the city of the same name.